franchisee Professionalism, reliability, best price
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Phone: +49 (0)0 000 000 000 • Mobile phone: +49 (0)0 000 000 000
Car rental with driver For all your needs Comfortably and securely Hourly service Airport transfers

our tariffs

Our tariffs

Our tariffs vary depending on the parameters of your trip, in particular: the type of requested vehicle, the mileage of the itinerary, the number of service hours (if hourly service), the related costs such as paid parking and the supplementary services (for example, the meet-and-greet service at the airport). The tariffs for the work during night hours (22:00-07:00) and public holidays may contain surcharge.

Our key principle is that you will know the price of your trip before you even get into your vehicle. We fix the price in advance so there will be no surprise for you. In case of hourly service you will also know the tariffs per extra kilometer and hour.

Our tariffs are competitive and we invite you to request a quote by contacting us by email or by phone as indicated at the top of this page.

We will do our best to come back to you with our precise price proposal within two hours following your request. - Van rental with driver in Germany